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A history of Jewellery

The Glint of Gold

By Marcus Dobson

As Howard Carter exclaimed upon his historical discovery of the young Pharaoh’s tomb in 1922; he could see wondrous things and everywhere “ the glint of gold”. Since time immemorial...

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The Purity of Platinum

By Marcus Dobson

If Gold might be said to be the most regal of precious metals; then surely Platinum is the Crowning Glory!  Interestingly the hallmark for...

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High Summer Jewellery and it's History

High Summer Jewellery and it's History

By Marcus Dobson

High Summer draws thoughts of long days and the passing of the seasons - at this time of year we may change our wardrobe favouring lighter clothes and...

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What is the difference between Antique and Vintage?

What is the difference between Antique and Vintage?

By Marcus Dobson

When is an Antique not an antique but more correctly: Vintage? If you catch a glimpse of today’s tv programmes dedicated to antiques; you will have heard the terms:...

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